For Individuals

Bipolar Disorder Counseling

In Columbus (Polaris) and Middleburg Heights, Ohio

Image of a professional adult female at work considering seeking counseling for bipolar disorder at LifewRx Mental Health and Wellness, located in Columbus and Middleburg Heights, Ohio

Embracing Hope:

Overcoming the Challenges of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder can be a hard diagnosis to accept. It is plagued with misconceptions and stigma that make it hard to stay in school, get a job, form relationships, and live “normally”. While there are many challenging aspects of bipolar disorder, and it is a mental health issue that requires both medication and therapy, LifewRx has seen many times over again how people can lead successful, happy lives with a bipolar diagnosis. 

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Everyone will experience bipolar disorder a little differently as well. The hallmark of bipolar disorder is the existence of two phases:

  • The manic phase can come on suddenly and typically lasts 2 week. You’ll feel full of energy, like anything is possible. In the manic phase, every emotion is heightened—euphoria and self-esteem, but also anger and recklessness. 

    Symptoms of the manic phase include:

    • A frantically high state of mind that is either jubilant, irritated, or switching between the two

    • Racing thoughts that won’t stop

    • Feeling like you don’t need sleep

    • Unfocused attention, jumping from one thing to another

    • Obsessive and furious planning towards a goal- usually a lofty goal that seems highly unrealistic (planning to travel the world, to become a high-paying actress, to graduate in two years instead of 4, etc.)

    • Extreme talkativeness

    • Inflated self-esteem

    • Risky or harmful behavior, especially when you feel like no true harm can come to you.

  • Depressive episodes typically follow a manic episode and usually last longer. Symptoms of a depressive episode include:

    • Overwhelming feelings of guilt, shame, and/or worthlessness

    • Changes in eating and sleeping

    • Feeling exhausted and brain fogged all the time

    • Difficulty making decisions

    • Difficulty focusing

    • Recurring thoughts of suicide or death.

    Depression can make it seem like everything is bleak and will always be so. But that’s not true. LifewRx Middleburg Heights is here with the resources you need to manage the manic episodes and come out of the depressive episodes. Bipolar can feel like a wild rollercoaster that never stops and that you never signed up for. But as more and more people are finding—there is a way to shape the rollercoaster. Your life is still your own. Let’s start taking it back.

Take the First Step Today

If you are thinking of getting a diagnosis, have a recent diagnosis, or have been managing bipolar for a long time—LifewRx is here to help you. We understand that living with bipolar has its challenges, especially when the misconceptions about it are so widespread. But we also understand that bipolar is not something that has to limit the joy and passion in your life.

Image of a group of adult males and females hanging out on a regular day, after seeking bipolar disorder counseling at LifewRx Mental Health and Wellness, located in Columbus and Middleburg Heights, Ohio

What Are Common Misconceptions of Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder can feel like a bulldozer tearing its way through your life. Your education, career, relationships, and hobbies are all put on hold at best, or begin to collapse at worse. Much of this is due to the major swings of bipolar and the extremes of both the manic and depressive episode. 

However, a fair amount of the harm bipolar does is because it is a very atypical disorder and is not well talked about. People don’t understand it, and what they don’t understand they are much less likely to be patient with.

Common harmful misconceptions of bipolar disorder are:

  • It’s a rare condition

    About 2 million adults in the United States are affected by bipolar disorder, including many highly successful people including Carrie Fisher (actor), Ada Lovelace (first ever computer programmer), and Kay Redfield Jamison (clinical psychologist and writer with her PhD).

  • Bipolar disorder can be cured

    Things like diet and exercise cannot cure bipolar, nothing can. However, through medication, talk therapy, and a healthy lifestyle, bipolar can be well-managed.

  • Mania feels good and is a productive state to be in

    Some emotions experienced while manic feels good—the euphoria, high self-esteem, and excitement. But mania means that emotions are heightened, including the bad ones. People tend to get overly anxious, highly irritable, and angry. They can feel out of control and lose touch of reality.

  • You’re always either in a manic or depressive episode

    Just like most other mental health disorders, bipolar isn’t always “on”. People can go through a balanced mood, called euthymia. Or, they can have a mixed episode where both mania and depression are present.

Image of a colorful pillow on a couch in a therapy office at LifewRx Mental Health and Wellness, located in Columbus and Middleburg Heights, Ohio

What Does Treatment for Bipolar Disorder Look Like?

Treatment for bipolar disorder comes in two parts:

  • Medication—It can take a while to figure out what type and dosage of medication works best for you, but that’s what our Middleburg Heights LifewRx therapists are here for. 

  • Therapy—The most popular form of therapy is talk therapy. These can help you manage your depressive episodes better and address any anxieties as they come up. Talk therapy sessions will help you stay balanced as you manage your medication and build a life, you’re truly happy to live in.

Take the First Step Toward a Healthier, More Balanced Life

Reach out today to book your session with LifewRx, where personalized care meets compassionate support. Start your journey with us—schedule your session now and see what’s possible.

Columbus (Polaris)

Middleburg Heights