For Individuals

Grief Counseling

In Columbus (Polaris) and Middleburg Heights, Ohio

Image of an adult female person of color considering seeking grief counseling at LifewRx Mental Health and Wellness, located in Columbus and Middleburg Heights, Ohio

Understanding Grief:

The Weight of Loss and the Journey Through It

Grief is a Latin word and means “to burden” or “heavy”. For people going through a major loss, that is exactly what grief can feel like—a heavy burden. Other times, grief can leave a hole that feels impossible to fill. It can feel like drowning in emotions so intense you don’t know how you’ll carry them all. And other times, it can feel like nothing—a blanket of numbness. Grief can be so difficult to walk through because it is unique to everyone. Everyone grieves differently, and it can be hard to verbalize how you’re grieving and what you need from others. LifewRx grief counselors wants you know that you don’t have to go through this alone. We have therapists who understand grief and can walk you through it. 

Image of a lake near Columbus, Ohio representing the experience of grief and loss

Finding Healing Beyond Loss

Grief on its own isn’t a bad thing—it’s a natural part of loving as a human. It can be a way to fully appreciate a person’s life while learning how to continue living fully without them. But the necessity of grief does not make it any easier. Together, we can find a way through the messy emotions of grief to find true healing and happiness on the other side.

“Grief is not a disorder, a disease, or a sign of weakness. It is an emotional, physical and spiritual necessity, the price you pay for love. The only cure for grief is to grieve.”

—Earl Grollman

Take the First Step Today

Asking for help is never easy, but when you are ready, LifewRx Middleburg Heights grief counselors are here. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, reach out at Columbus (Polaris) office, or at our Middleburg Heights office.

Close-up image of a hand gently touching water, representing the experience of grief and loss

What is Grief & Loss Therapy?

Grief isn’t limited to the death of someone close to you. It can come when you move away, experience a major life change, or lose a relationship. Whatever the situation, grief is naturally healthy. It is when it lingers or becomes too overwhelming that professional help should be sought.

Many people are familiar with the common 5 stages of grief model. This model can be helpful in describing common experiences people have when going through grief, however they shouldn’t be taken too literally. For example, some people skip some steps of grief. Some stay on one before finding acceptance. Some people go through all the phases fast, and some take a completely different path entirely. The point is—it is okay to grieve how you grieve.

The common experiences of grief are:

  • Denial

  • Anger

  • Bargaining

  • Depression

  • Acceptance

Image of an adult male sitting by a lake after a grief counseling session at LifewRx Mental Health and Wellness, located in Columbus and Middleburg Heights, Ohio

Your Unique Path Through Grief

Our LifewRx grief therapists want to stress that it is okay if you don’t go through this exact model. These are common experiences of grief, but not the only ones. This model is meant to help you understand that it is okay to be in denial for a little, or to be irritated as you’re grieving, or to slip into a depression. 

Grief counseling will help you be in tune to your emotions so you can feel everything related to your grief. That is how you will eventually make your way to acceptance.

How Does Grief Counseling Work?

The goal of grief counseling with LifewRx is to get you to the acceptance phase at your own pace. We don’t want to rush you or erase the memory of your loved one or encourage you to pretend like their impact on you didn’t matter. 

Grief is powerful because it allows us to fully appreciate someone and the way they’ve shaped your life. Grief counseling should heighten that appreciation and leave you feeling loved and whole. 

Because everyone grieves differently, a grief therapy session will look differently for everyone Some common methods in dealing with grief are:

  • Address your trauma from the loss

  • Learn how to accept and express your emotions

  • Work through underlying feelings of guilt

  • Develop new relationships or strengthen your support system

  • Grow comfortable in what might be your new role 

  • Come to accept your new reality

LifewRx is a client-orientated practice. Not only is your unique experience one of the driving factors behind each therapy session, but we also take into account all of you. You are not just your experience with grief—you are your passions, goals, hobbies, and everything in between. Grief is a challenging journey; you don’t have to do it alone.

Image of an young adult female standing by a lake considering grief counseling at LifewRx Mental Health and Wellness, located in Columbus and Middleburg Heights, Ohio

Do I Need Grief Therapy?

If grief is natural, and everyone goes through it, why do I need professional counseling? When is my pain normal, and when is it time to reach out?

Even just asking that question takes courage, and you should be proud of yourself for coming this far. There isn’t a simple answer, but a good place to start is: are you happy with your life? If you aren’t, then reach out for help. You deserve a life that is fulfilling and full of joy, even in hard times. Therapy is a tool you can use to get you to where you want to be in a life you want to live.

Image of a colorful pillow on a couch in a therapy office at LifewRx Mental Health and Wellness, located in Columbus and Middleburg Heights, Ohio

Signs it’s Time to Seek Support

Look for these signs of a grief that has gotten too big to handle on your own:

  • Suicidal thoughts

  • Unrelentless depression

  • Inability to find joy in previously enjoyable activities and people 

  • A small or weak support system

  • Avoiding friend or family 

  • Fear or apprehension over forming a new relationship

  • Numbness

  • Sudden changes in sleep or eating patterns

  • Feeling stuck, like you can’t move on

Take the First Step Toward a Healthier, More Balanced Life

Reach out today to book your session with LifewRx, where personalized care meets compassionate support. Start your journey with us—schedule your session now and see what’s possible.

Columbus (Polaris)

Middleburg Heights